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Melissa Wang
About Melissa Wang
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Artist Introduction
Melissa Wang is a multi-faceted Chinese illustrator and designer based in Richmond, VA. Her parents discovered her talent when she was four years old.  She started with Chinese painting, later using pencil, gouache, oil, acrylic, chalk, watercolor, and ink. Her unique style is found in a wide variety of media. As an illustrator, Melissa's obsession with detail is apparent in all of her work. She strives to deliver the most effective solution by constantly sharpening her skills in every aspect while maintaining the highest standards.
Melissa Wang
Melissa Wang
About Melissa Wang
Address and work:
Artist Introduction
Melissa Wang is a multi-faceted Chinese illustrator and designer based in Richmond, VA. Her parents discovered her talent when she was four years old.  She started with Chinese painting, later using pencil, gouache, oil, acrylic, chalk, watercolor, and ink. Her unique style is found in a wide variety of media. As an illustrator, Melissa's obsession with detail is apparent in all of her work. She strives to deliver the most effective solution by constantly sharpening her skills in every aspect while maintaining the highest standards.