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From The Lake No.1, 1924
From The Lake No.1, 1924
Type | All Products,Framed Art
Medium | Prints > Lithograph
Style | Abstract,Colour Field
Subject | Abstract > Color Lump
Creation | 2017
Author | Georgia O'Keeffe
Size | W75.7cm x H61cm ; W29.8inches x H24inches
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From The Lake No.1, 1924
Product Description
The bold, poetic flower forms of Georgia O'Keeffe have become modern American classics. Working in an exaggerated scale, O'Keeffe achieved timeless abstractions by reducing her subjects to their simplest form and color. Born in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, O'Keeffe studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and later at the New York Art Students League under the direction of William Merritt Chase. At a time when women were strongly discouraged from pursuing careers, O'Keeffe embarked on a path that ulti
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