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A Corner
A Corner
Type | All Products,Oil Paintings > Hand-painted Oil Paintings
Medium | Paintings > Acrylic
Style | Expressionistic,Impressionistic
Subject | Posters > Character
Creation | 2014
Author | Jianxing Zhao
Size | W138cm x H111cm ; W54.3inches x H43.7inches
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A Corner
Product Description
Originally named Zhao Jian, and was born in Guangzhou in 1975.  He was graduated in the Art and Design College, Guangzhou University, with Art studies. In 2000, he became a professional artist in Guangzhou’s Painting and Calligraphy Institute; and late in 2010, became one in Art Academy of Guangzhou. At the moment, he is rated as the nation’s second level artist and is a member of Artists association of China and the one of Guangdong. He is also the Executive director and Deputy Head Secretary of the Association in Guangzhou.  Furthermore, he holds other positions such as being the director of Artists association oil painting council, Guangzhou and a member of the Guangzhou Art Critics Association.
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